Monday, January 1, 2007

The Way to Self-Knowledge

This book is from the Super-Mind
A fast dictated gift sublime,
The Message it contains will find
Full confirmation in due time.

This well-observed phenomenon,
So new to modern intellect,
Has been exhibited, off and on,
In varied tongue and dialect,

Right from the old Egyptian times,
By many a richly gifted mind,
Of which the evidence in some climes,
One can in holy scriptures find.

The current theories, which ascribe
This outflow to the unconscious mind,
Are pure concoctions of a tribe
Of scientists that cannot find

The right solution in their texts,
Or in what their elite have writ,
Who, too, belong to diverse sects,
Each one depending on his wit

Which, in the vast domain of mind,
Is like a pin lost in a stack
Of hay, impossible to find,
When one in search has turned his back

Towards the huge, offending pile,
As Knowledge has turned his to God,
To please himself but for a while,
Intensely searching clay and sod.

The top psychologists whose fame
Still high in learned circles lives,
Are not entirely free of blame
For giving currency to views

About religion, God and soul,
Which are completely off the track,
As far from Truth as the South Pole
Is from the North, and some e'en smack

Of fabrication with a view
To enhance their prestige and their fame,
A subterfuge which is not new,
But in a holy cause, a shame.

The Almighty Power that rules this All
Is neither male nor female nor
Androgynous, and that we call
By names we have a liking for.

Our life can't be a simmering broth,
Where true and false conjointly live,
But there must be a purer Path
From which we Soul's estate can view.

The self-awareness of the soul,
To know her own divinity
Denotes the purpose and the goal
Of human life, as it should be.

That is why holy scriptures grip
So hard the normal human mind,
More than the love of scholarship,
And firmly to religion bind.

Mankind is passing through the age
Of dreams come true of scientists,
And with their gifts has set the stage
Now for the rule of nuclear fists.

What mental plagues will be her share,
If this accursed, infernal race,
With more and more destructive ware,
Continues at a faster pace,

Unless kind nature takes the stand
To make the hotheads see the light,
And comes down with a heavy hand
To bring to dust their vaunted might.

The arsenals built by the urge
To power, by lust, ambition, greed,
Nature will soon use as the purge
To cure these current ills with speed.

This awful Drama shall reveal
How marvelously nature works,
And how in all with which we deal,
Her hand behind the curtain lurks.

This gifted book will leave no doubt
That all we do is preordained,
And knowledge of what comes about,
Before it happens can be gained.

Ambition, passion, lust, desire,
Each impulse, urge or appetite,
Which move, propel or set on fire
Or fill with pain, grief or delight

The mind, must be judiciously
Brought under the control of man,
To help him climb courageously
The height prescribed in nature's Plan.

The bounden duty, in this fight,
Of every parent is to grow
In nobleness and moral height,
Their seeds in every child to sow.

The view of some psychologists
To give a more loose rein to sex
Is poison, and one must resist
Excess, ere it the system wrecks.

The ignorance, just at this stage,
Of this one, all-important Law,
When humankind has come of age
To end the rule of tooth and claw,

Can prove disastrous for the race
And has already done much harm.
That is why she will soon retrace
Her steps back to the field and farm;

And start the steep ascent to reach
The Kingdom nature has ordained,
One which religion came to preach,
When she self-mastery has gained.

Knowledge, entirely in the dark,
About this Crown of human life,
Must soon a new course embark
To clear the erroneous notions rife.

Hence this inspired direction came
To guide humanity aright,
As Dogma has made knowledge lame,
Bias and Hubris weak in sight,

So he cannot discern the Path,
Which nature for Man has aligned.
His cooks too many spoil the broth,
More so, when some are lame, some blind.

That is why Revelations come
To set the wrongs of Knowledge right,
To muffle his loud beating drum,
And bring his faults and fibs to light.

No poet, scholar, scientist
This Wonder-book can duplicate,
Or its innate appeal resist,
As Truth must triumph soon or late.

'Tis come to herald the New Age,
For which some people fondness show.
Like parrots talking in a cage,
What "New Age" means they do not know.

This Book is aimed to make it clear
That the existing two pursuits
Of wealth and power we must forswear,
As both are hence forbidden fruits;

And mankind must begin the ascent,
Free of the faults that block her way,
To reach the glowing firmament
Of Life-Divine without delay.

A new World-Order must emerge
That has no room for rivalry,
Where all attention would converge
On friendship, love and harmony.

Where every human flower must
Receive the thought and care it needs
To bloom divinely, in full trust,
That there are no encroaching weeds.

One can imagine it must be
A comic spectacle for gods
Our proud, intelligent selves to see
Stooping to tricks, deceptions, frauds

To o'ertake or outpace a mate,
A stranger, neighbor, kith or kin
And leave, what we accumulate,
Behind, when bade to quit the bin;

While in us there is, all along,
The Spark which, with a little care,
Can change this life into a song
Of heavenly music all can share.

But we discredit or ignore,
Or for mere trifles sacrifice
This deathless Treasure, evermore,
Which grows in beauty and in price.

There might be many who will try
To pick some hole or find some fault
In this book, but in vain their cry,
As coming storms the attacks will halt.

The more discerning will forbear
From making comments, till the time
When patent signs can make it clear
How far prophetic is this rhyme.

This heaven-sent verse will be excelled
By future Seers, on their Rebirth,
Whose mighty visions might be spelled
In all main languages of the earth.

Written by: Gopi Krishna

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