Monday, February 26, 2007


Most people use ten percent or less of the Brain. Through the awakening of Kundalina energy the brain can organically evolve to a higher performance. No time has been spent investigating perhaps the most powerful energy of nature. Religious experience and its root.

Kundalini is the evolutionary potency in all humans. A fundamental bioenergy. It comes from an Indian word meaning "to join the soul with the cosmic soul," In the ancient Indian language Sanskrit it is a term referring to a coiled force or energy originating at the base of the spine, and seated near the sex organs a coiled up sleeping snake. Implies latent energy or potential to expand. Serpent Power when activated travels up the seven chakras which are the nerve centers along the spinal cord and enlightens the mind. Expanding consciousness the nirvana of Buddha. It is responsible for human evolution and all-psychic abilities genius and spiritual illumination. Kundalini is the biological way to expand the mind.

Kundalini is the "secret" behind yoga and all other esoteric psychology's and genuine occult mysteries. A scientifically measurable biochemical essence Kundalini is the substance that is the nourishment of consciousness. It penetrates the nervous system and influences the nerves to become the instrument of higher consciousness. This subtle substance is a snake-like force that fuels the mind in order to sustain a more active state, producing an awakened Kundalini individual, Note: snakes have two hemi penises and the power to hypnotize.

Such inner power is represented by the two snakes on King Tut's headdress and the feathered serpent of Mexico and South America, The serpent in the Garden of Eden. The upward flow of Kundalini nectar (prana force, bioplasmic stream) is concentrated in the reproductive fluids of both men and women. When Kundalini is activated a reverse action takes place, feeding the center of the brain. "cavity of Brahma" in the brain's ventricular cavity. Kundalini is the power that controls it. All great saints'' mystics' poets and people of genius, as well as the insane were influenced in this way.

If an experiment were performed it would prove the existence of the Kundalini force and show its physiological effects on the body. It could bridge the gap between science and mysticism and show the essential truth of religious experience and tradition. Religion has always been a companion of humanity. Religion came to guide humanity. No scientist could doubt the reality of this phenomenon once it has been observed and measured.. Such an experiment would uncover the vale of darkness and delusion under which humanity has been living. This evolutionary force needs publicity and actual proof would provide it. The results will speak for themselves. It will be a discovery more important than anything that has preceded it.

It is only from an awakened perspective that such observation can be made and this potential lies within everyone. As humanity evolved from cave men to the United Nations it becomes inevitable that this discovery will come to light and that there is indeed a purpose. A planned creation to our being. God protects our blue-green planet earth from the inferno of intergalactic space. Why? Because humanity has to attain to other states of consciousness for which all these recourses are needed to do this. We have been granted an intelligence to make the best use of it.

Life's purpose and evolution's power lead to cosmic laws, which must be obeyed for nature's divine grace within us all to come to light. These laws as spoken of in all religions occult and mystical beliefs describe a path to enlightenment. As great empires have come and gone, so too must humanity's faiths change.

My teacher, the late Pundit Gopi Krishna, an Indian Yogi-scientist and world renowned expert of Kundalini who has written over twenty books on the subject states, "We all know what happened whenever a political system became despotic and oppressive, a social system exacting and corrupt, and a religious system excessively authoritarian and dogmatic. There arose a demand for revision and reform. Political revolutionaries, reformers and prophets appeared on the scene, The old system was overthrown often with dreadful bloodshed, suffering and pain and a new one installed in its place. We have to cooperate with inner evolution."

What is needed for a more positive harmonic peaceful and prosperous existence is a fuller understanding of humanity's need for god. As society accelerates the brain must work increasingly beyond the point of balance. We are giants of intellect and dwarfs of the spiritual. We give no time to the spirit. Bringing on grave consequences. Gopi Krishna says. " We have given too much emphasis to the material side of life at the cost of the spiritual side." Time must be set aside for prayer, meditation, yoga or some other spiritual act in order to keep life's evolutionary needs in balance and maintain inner sanity. Yoga meditation provides a channel for the opening of a powerful energy (inspiration) which can enable anyone to blossom into a genius, an artist, a poet, a mystic.

If this force awakens in an impure or out of balance form it can result in evil genius fanaticism delusions of grandeur, or mental illness (like manic depression and schizophrenia). There is a lot that is not understood that kundalini research will explain.

The brain is subject to the influence of countless factors connected with the life environment and the family history of an individual. When even slightly tainted or stained do to the pressure of reality or various causes such as wrong mode of life, unhealthy environment, faulty heredity, shock, frustration, repression, tension and numerous other factors. If the mind is abnormal the brain too must be a shareholder in the abnormality. There are subtle changes in some neuronic structures in the cranium. The real root of the abnormality is an impure or toxic condition of the prana. If you do not live a disciplined life then the awakening of this center can be unhealthy. A distorted vision of the same power. It means that the system is not pure and that the energy is not working in a healthy way.

There is a positive spiritual energy force within us all. Which has a physical counterpart in the human body that feeds a certain portion of the brain cavity of Brahma. This is a living electricity or intelligent energy that is needed to open the brain. The macrobiological changes and its effect can be observable and scientifically verified. Elevations of consciousness can only occur through the transformation brought by kundalini and by no other agency.

Nature shows compassion to humanity in order to help guide us safely through transgressions. God to me is a universal god that is not tied to any one organized religion. It gives us chance after chance. But when we digress off the path unhealthy results occur. We can not blame nature but ourselves. We have intelligence, we have reason, and we have learning. But if by having everything we ignore it then of course nature has no alternative except to teach us by suffering. Heaven is always merciful and all compassionate.

Great prophets, mystics, inventors, sages and people of genius have come to guide our race towards evolution's goal. The study of the past will show the common thread within these great men and woman. Study is needed in order to educate us about how life should be led to be more in harmony with the forces of nature, which govern our life. A life of humility – love – purity - truth - moderation and compassion.

But how can we prove kundalini's effect on the body? We can perform an experiment in a controlled environment. This experiment would take on hundred individuals with a healthy average intellect - normal typical people all with a great urge to awaken with a deep passion for spiritual matters and who are prepared to mold their lives in consort with the spiritual laws. Men and women aged twenty to thirty five. They would be put in a peaceful environment and subjected to various tests over a period of five years or more.

Scientists can observe them as the subjects try to awaken their kundalini. They will awaken to differing degrees. Tests will document the physiological changes that occur and will provide the empirical proof of what happens to the body as the kundalini force is awakened. I hypothesis that there are definitive biological differences in the blood, the cerebrospinal fluid and the composition of the brain matter in its subtle layers. Research on brain mapping. EEG ceg ces and the electricity in the body may show the kundalini force. The brain activity will be increased and its effect will be found all over the body. There will be metabolic processes, which can be measured. There will be physiological changes, which can be measured. This will convince the biologist that this change of the mind of the brain has physiological counter part. The result will start humanity towards a greater understanding of this evolutionary mechanism.

Once it is proved that the potential to awaken lies within everyone and is the most valuable asset we have, people will strive for it. The result on humanity will be comparable to the splitting of the spiritual atom. Instead of releasing a nuclear holocaust it will unleash the beginning of a utopian age, our cosmic destiny that can transform a mortal into an immortal and eternal source of happiness.

The awakening of these energies produces genius in mortal man or woman. Creativity, love and compassion emerge and pathways are opened to a future, awakened humanity. We will become the trailblazers of our own inevitable destiny. A utopian age of peace and harmony will follow. All political and spiritual processes will be developed for the highest good. Individuals will develop their "inner Sun" to the fullest during their lifetime. Kundalini research is part of an evolutionary force that compels us to look for enlightenment as an experience accessible to all. To awaken is the goal nature has set for us.

The time is right for we can use state of the art technology to study the phenomenon. We can study the common thread that lies at the root of all religion mysticism which is to guide humankind's understanding of evolutionary change The understanding of kundalini is now becoming provable for the first time.

Sigmund Freud in fact understood that the libido is directly responsible for mental imbalances. At some point in time we will discover that all we know can be reduced to the bio-chemical. This center of the brain cavity of Brahma is still undiscovered but could be called the "third eye" or the "philosopher's stone". Kundalini will for the first time reveal how energy is supplied to the brain and that it is superintelligent. Freud's concept about libido is of a psychic energy drawn from the libidinous tendencies in human beings. Which is to say the reproductive energy but only from a psychic point of view. He does not say that it has organic roots. This is what famed psychologist Wilhelm Reich emphasizes that this libido must have roots deep in the biochemical structure of the body.

The sex organs in a state of awakened kundalini produces a vast amount of fluid to feed the newly activated part of the brain. Sexual energy may well be directly connected to a mechanism that is affected by evolutionary advancement. Kundalini is the fundamental bioenergy stored primarily in the sex organs. This basic life force is normally associated with the genitals for simple continuance of the species by providing a sex drive. The tie in to the human sex drive and higher consciousness must be explored. Why do men have ejaculation while asleep or wake up with erect penises. There is a force of nature that needs physical release to be sane.

It is called the "goddess Kundalini" or "Mother Nature" because a mother's love is similar to the bliss of higher consciousness. Woman have more feelings! Life is part of them - menstruation each month reminds them of that. Soulmates, man-woman have intercourse to prolong the race (children). Plus experience the love, kundalini evolutionary force of completion, happiness and bliss that keeps growing.

Sexual or relaxation exercises may release inner pressure of an over-taxed libido. An evolutionary super-nectar, extraordinary life force feeds the mind, a kissing food of unlimited bliss. The sublimation raising up of sex energy is the basic lever of all spiritual disciplines. But the all-inclusive nature of sex energy is a misnomer. Reproduction is but one of the aspects of the life energy of which the other theater of activity is the brain.

Humanity's basic needs are for sex, god and a need for prayer to control our environment i.e.. hope within everyone lies the ability to awaken. Humanity needs love to balance our own unbalanced state and give us time to meditate, to control our over-taxed brain. Humanity's sex drive may well be the only time some people relax from their hectic lifestyles. There is a need to just kick back and enjoy. Sex could be a form of deep meditation and experience between two soul mates. Loves deep blissful passion, kundalini's purest expression an active prayer one of the most powerful forces in the universe. A positive experience that ends in an explosion of uncontrollable bliss. However for the average person, sex is not a deep meditation but is merely a physical release, a small slice of love's true potential.

What is needed is that deep magnetism of love - a yin/yang of a universal constant. First came the big bang theory for the creation of the universe, now the love theory of creation states that the universe is a constant - always was here. That pure love magnetism, that yin/yang. Example. Trees love earth. Earth love the sky the sky loves the stars space… Love is consciousness … The universe is male and female and in love with both forces.

Suppression of sexuality out of contempt or hatred of our lower nature is an act of ignorance leading only to atrophy of the sexual system. Celibacy is contrary to nature. Since enlightenment is an evolutionary process with heredity playing an important role stamping the genera of the enlightened so that their biological gains through spiritual disciplines can be passed to their progeny. DNA research will eventually discover the consciousness gene.

Sexual energy has been represented in ancient art and statues by an erect organ. Showing the upward streaming of the reproductive essence that effects the transformation of consciousness.

In order to discover the factual evidence behind consciousness, one must first study kundalini energy and its effects. Scientific proof will free humanity to accept the fact that within everyone lies the temple of god leading to a clear realization of our own divine nature. Man's incomprehensible inner bliss and oneness with divinity and a way of life that overpowers doing wrong or any other action that goes against this cosmic evolutionary force. The misunderstanding of kundalini has led to environmental decline that seems rooted to ultimate destruction of Planet Earth i.e. ozone layer, burning of rain forests, religious wars and terrorism, rape and murder….

It is one relationship not just to their own kundalini but also towards each other. It is the combination of the two that will lead not only to harmony but also to sharing and ultimately to progress. The appeal especially in these times is kundalini which offers hope promise. There is negative energy (i.e. ours) that can be transformed into positive communal conscience which will try to eradicate feelings of helplessness, negativity, pain and the burden of feeling isolated.

Why are people so selfish? Due to not having an understanding of kundalini. Just desperation, helplessness and power struggles which lead to hurting others and ourselves or apathy both of which have a profound effect on our history and the mood of the energy.

Our goal and objective is to create a paradise on earth. A peaceful co-existence, long lives, greater achievements and more freedom. A utopian society living by the laws uncovered by the experiment. A union with the divine is a sum total of the physical laws of the universe. We are in the process of taking the next evolutionary leap. The new century is here.

The study of what lifestyle would be best to advance ones inner potential is a task that may take eons to complete. With the help of divine grace may we free the veil that covers the eyes of the blind masses. We who have been chosen for this colossal task are the humble instruments of this evolutionary force. We will do our part to understand this unfathomable awareness of our eternal souls. The universe is ruled by an intelligent power! Consciousness does not change in birth or death it is bigger than our individual soul. Consciousness is an eternal om...