Monday, January 1, 2007



Gopi Krishna Iinterview with the American writer, John White, in Zurich, Switzerland, in 1976.

J.W. Pandit, you say we have no knowledge of these forces and operations. I presume you mean knowledge from the level of intellect. But in The Shape of Events to Come, your prognosis of human events comes from a higher level of awareness and therefore we do have knowledge from the transhuman superconscious state. Would you explain that, please.

G.K. You see, taking into account the general atmosphere, I mean the mental atmosphere prevailing at present-revelation, inspiration, intuition and all things-all paranormal channels of knowledge are not accepted by all as a valued source of information for human beings. There is so much confusion of views, and so much display of materialistic tendencies, that they do not receive the amount of recognition that they should. For instance, let us take the case of revelation of our scriptural teachings. A great crisis has come about which threatens even the survival of the race. And if we turn now to the scriptural knowledge we find that the warnings are there. That if we depart from the prescribed path of life then natural calamities or the anger of God follows. But we never take it seriously. It is for this reason that I said we have no generally accepted knowledge of these paranormal channels of information and the research on Kundalini by scientific methods is expected to create that awareness, on a very rational and scientific footing.

As I was saying, that there are devices and forces in the human consciousness which can react on such occasions. We are very well aware that strange group instincts regulate the behavior of ants, bees and many other forms of herd animals-monkeys, elephants-there are powerful instincts in the individual members of the group, but also collective instincts by which they behave in a certain way and in a certain manner under crisis or under certain eventualities. They have those ingrained instinctually-safeguards built in them. Does it not stand to reason that the collective consciousness of the race or the group consciousness of humanity must also have some sort of safeguards built in it to see that the race ascends the path of evolution without ever annihilating herself or without ever going the path of degeneration with no return. There are such and they have come into operation at different times in the history of mankind.

The difficulty is that the laboratory is so vast and the time through which man has to live and to act is so colossal and the position is so complex-all the four billion people think in their own way that it is not possible for the intellect to gather this information.

It is only intuition, that without the aid of reason or the intellect can place its finger at the right information. And it is this, that in a crisis like this, certain warning signs, certain strange states of mind occur among the individuals. And we see there is enough evidence for it. There are millions of people who have a terror of the coming war. There are millions of people who are after a new age. There are millions of people who are after enlightenment. There are millions of people who have again turned religious. Even in the communist countries there is also an urge for knowledge of paranormal forces. So you see, already in the human mind there is a ferment as if something unusual is to happen or as if we are in a situation which needs some kind of an outlet to ease it. You can trace all the present day deep search for spiritual knowledge also to this ferment caused by the collective consciousness of the race. There is a subconscious fear everywhere of impending calamities and as you know, many clairvoyants and psychics, they are also foretelling that something will happen, something will happen, something will happen, to warn mankind that the situation calls for care and attention.

It does not happen that a voice would speak from the skies or that there would be a warning written across the firmament but it happens by reaction on the human mind and we have enough evidence to show that the minds of people are disturbed. They are not happy with the present situation. They instinctively feel that something might happen, something is about to happen. Now what I am saying, and what has been revealed to me, is not what the intellect would presume. For instance, consider the nuclear weapons and the present political situation of the world. We would suppose that a war would annihilate all mankind or at least destroy a large part of the populations. What is revealed to me is that natural events will coincide in such a way with our preparations for war or our actual conflicts as to minimize the destruction. It may be, considering the whole bulk of humanity, only a superficial injury. It will not be a fatal injury. It will not be even a grave wound. But it will be enough to turn men from their present course.

How this would occur, what things would take place, what events would befall, I cannot say. I can only say this much, that even in the next two decades, the next twenty years, there will occur natural events and also events on the human plane which would divert the attention of mankind towards a new way of life and by the beginning of the next century, the world will be no longer divided but there will be one world confederacy ruling over mankind. This is absolutely necessary because of the demands of evolution. At the present moment, the way of life is distorting the human mind. You see, the more we evolve, the more sensitive becomes the human system. It has been a fallacious thing to suppose that Yoga or search for God hardens the system. It doesn't make it more brutal, more crude, more hard. It makes it more sensitive, more loving, more perceptive. It may be able to endure cold and heat and privations and other things but, on the whole, the change is towards a more delicate and a more perceptive instrument. And as we see, compare human beings to animals. Animals eat one kind of food, live amongst the worst possible environments, have no idea of sanitation or anything and still go on living but human beings need a certain very different environment to live and thrive. And, you see, the more the civilization, the better the environment, I mean hygienically and physically.

Effort is made to create a very easy, convenient and hygienic environment for the human beings to live. Now the superman would need even a better ordered environment. An enlightened person needs more care in his environment and in his needs and in the demands of his body and the attention to it. So what I mean to say is this, that these devices in the human collective consciousness, when face to face with a crisis of this nature, would create among the more sensitive minds certain symptoms and signs-fears, anxieties, urges and appetites which would be of a measure that would like the present environment to be changed.

In fact, the present revolt of youth in many countries of the world springs also from this urge. It is not only the generation gap, it is not only that this generation has now to change totally from the older generation-we did not see such a drastic change in the older generations. There was a change but much less than has occurred now. And why? Because mankind has taken a great leap forward in evolution, on account of the amenities provided by science and with this great leap forward, a different environment and a different social order is absolutely necessary. If, now, this environment and this social order is not provided, then this leap, which cannot be retraced-you do not have an evolved human being then going back again to the animal level-he will degenerate, and end. But the station once achieved by evolution is not then discarded. Then, he will degenerate and end. He is discarded-rejected by the evolutionary forces. Now this nation, this group, this man has ceased to follow the rules of evolution so he is rejected.

This happened in the whole history of evolution. The species that could not survive were rejected, thrown out and they died. They ended. Similarly, the case with men. If, at a certain level of evolution, they are not able to proceed forward then the reaction is that they are degenerated and then they end themselves. They no longer evolve. They are then as a backwards species now, as backward human beings. And this has happened throughout. One nation went forward, then failed to maintain the pace, another nation came forward, threw it back and subjugated it, and for some time exploited it.

We have the same phenomenon going on even at this time. If, now mankind does not become aware of the needs of the evolutionary progress that she is maintaining at present, on the one hand and on the other hand, rejects the scriptural directions, then this collective consciousness of the race will come into operation. And, already, men who have to take a decisive role in the forthcoming disastrous war have been born, with the mental equipment that will allow them to gain the place of precedence-the place of power-that will result in the ferment about which I am speaking. But at the same time, natural powers will also come into operation not to allow the damage to exceed a certain level, because it is a planned creation. It is a designed creation. Only the actors, the places of action, and the time in which the drama is played, they are all so colossal and stupendous that we cannot see the links-we cannot understand the purpose because we are living behind a curtain. For instance, at the present moment, those men who have to play a decisive role in the coming slaughter, or in the coming wars, are already among us, at a young age. They are already, as in the French revolution or in the Russian revolution or in the German revolution-recent revolutions-everything that happened had a purpose behind it. But it is such a vast purpose, and the whole cosmos is involved in it, that we cannot try to rationalize it-to look at it from an intellectual point of view. We have to accept it as something which is beyond our intellectual power. But from an intuitional point of view, it is obvious that there will occur events, catastrophes, geophysical events, and wars, that will, within the course of these twenty years, turn mankind in another direction from the direction she is pursuing at present.

J.W. Are you saying that these events are only probable or inevitable?

G.K. You see, they are all inevitable. So far as the present condition is concerned, they are inevitable. But if the position changes, which is unlikely, therefore I say that they are inevitable. If mankind changes the position, realizes the importance of revelation or even their own intellectual assessment of the position, that we are destroying the race, they may be saved, but since they would not do it. You see, already there are many people who are writing that the existence of the nuclear stocks, the pollution and other things, may result in earthquakes-may cause natural calamities. They are intuitively feeling this sort of a thing. There are several books now, even written by scientists, that natural calamities in the atmosphere or earthquakes are possible with the pollution and with the stock of the nuclear weapons which exists on earth at present. This is their speculation. What I mean to say is that these unnatural and unhealthy actions of human beings can have no other end except that nature takes recourse to drastic methods to change the direction of human life. Then it becomes inevitable. And since people will not change themselves overnight-one doesn't do it-nature is always warning us but we always neglect the warnings until we are ill. And then we have the fever and everything and then come back again to normal. The same thing will happen with mankind. It will have the fever because it is infected. There is poison in her veins and that poison is of thought, that there is no supreme power over the universe, that man can do what he likes, that man can achieve to power and achieve to wealth which are not the evolutionary targets. They are means to an end. But if we give up-surrender the end for the means-then, naturally, nature will also use some methods to put us right. What I foresee is that there will occur calamities.

J.W. Including nuclear war?

G.K. There will be a nuclear war also, but its effect will be greatly restricted. Certain strange developments will occur so that it will all appear to be natural acts, occurring by accident. The future events that I mean will seem to be occurring by accident or for geographical or astrophysical causes. But they will be deliberately created actions of superconsciousness. To us, they will appear as if they are natural-they are accidental-and explanations may be rendered for them. But they will be the outcome of our present disregard of evolutionary laws.

J.W. Pandit, would you describe the process by which Revelation is given to you?

G.K. For me it is a very amazing occurrence. Always when I am in a mood in which these visions, and these writings come, it is always a condition so overpowering that I can only express it with tears. As I have said, I feel as if this, my person, my awareness, is not confined to my own body or to my head. That is, is as if I am body-conscious as an individual, but it is spread in space. I always feel as if there are two personalities existing side by side. One, a titan spread everywhere-everywhere 'I.' And the other is also a consciousness, an awareness, a part of it, a drop in it, but also one with it. I have read that in the case of inspiration, according to many poets and writers, including Nietzsche, the ideas and the lines or the passages, or the plots of whole stories, or even the whole story, came to them suddenly, as if they fell into their lap, as Nietzsche has put it . . . and then they put those passages, those lines or those ideas on paper. In my case, it is different. It seems that this titan, this other intelligence of which I am talking-this universal consciousness-is handing over these thoughts, these ideas, these passages and these verses to me. It is such a breathtaking experience that I feel awefull, humbled to dust. I am nothing. In this encounter, I am nothing. Just a shadow receiving directions and instructions from an intelligence which is spread everywhere. I feel that it is the limitation of my brain that I cannot get more from it.

Otherwise, what I believe is that every centimeter -every point in this Presence-knows all that there is to be known about the universe. It is a concentrated ocean of knowledge in which every drop is an ocean in itself. It is overwhelming and staggering. And when I start writing, suddenly a paragraph flashes before my vision. It is handed over to me. I can feel it. In the Vedas it is called shruti-heard. I both hear and see it. It is something which is just coming into my field of consciousness from the other field of which

I am always conscious. It is lent to it. It is handed over to it. And then, after some time, I start writing. What takes me half an hour to jot down is transmitted, maybe in five seconds sometimes. It just comes and enters my field of knowledge and my field of awareness. I can compare it to the fall of snow. When you look at the snowflakes they appear as points at the sky level. Then slowly they grow larger and larger and larger and larger till you have the snowflakes on your hand, or just falling in front of you. It is like this . . . as if subtle seeds of these ideas come out of this awareness. And then they are transformed by my brain into our language and into our thought. I hope you follow me.

From the Unseen-from this ocean of consciousness-a seed-like thing comes. Just a hint, which then grows into a passage, and I try to retain this passage in my memory. It is followed by another seed and another passage, followed by another seed and another passage. And then, when it is over, I try to write it down, and it takes me a long time. And in the meanwhile, some of the passages will escape my memory, and I have to recall them later when I am correcting what I have written once. This happened from the day I received those poetic lines when I was crossing a bridge-the first manifestation of this power in me. And since then I have always found that at such times as if another intelligence is working, and I am receiving directions, instructions and ideas, and also the linguistic expressions from it-even the words.

But, I am alert all the time. When I put it down, I am using my own reason, also, that what I have put down is correct. Does it conform to my own ideas? And when I feel that perhaps this does not concord with my own ideas, I try to change it, so that I am also using my own mind and my intellect. But what I assert is that it seems that another intelligence is handing over, or giving me, the hints or the passages in a mysterious way which I can clearly perceive, as if I am getting it from some other source. And that source is present before me, not from a source which I do not see. I perceive it as an intelligence, as a consciousness spread around me, above and below me.

This has given me the idea that what they call as Revelation has this difference from inspiration, that in the case of Revelation-the prophets were also able to understand the source, to perceive the source-say either in the form of a God or an angel, or a consciousness spread everywhere.

I can very easily imagine that there can be a vision of an angel or a god for a mind which believes in a god or an angel. Then this intelligence can take the form of a god, of an angel, of a prophet, and give the message. That, then, is Revelation. While in the case of the poet, the philosopher or the novelist, the inspiration that comes, one feels something pouring into his mind but is not conscious of another intelligence handing it over to him. In the case of the enlightened, there is a clear perception of an all-pervading intelligence which hands over these ideas and these passages.

This also, now, leads to another inference that even in your normal consciousness what we receive, what we think-the ideas, the thoughts-they come from a universal source. Only our brain is so conditioned that we think that it is our own, while it is coming from some other universal source, which is the founthead of all thought, all feeling, all emotion. Sometimes, especially when these verses about the shape of events to come, occur, I also see the visions. The vision and the verse, the passage, they come almost together. The vision is seen in this universal consciousness. I see it presenting a scene which pertains to a future date, or even sometimes of a bygone time. I see it reflected in that pool, in that mirror of consciousness. It passes through my mind and vanishes. But the line, the passage, which accompanies it, I retain in my memory. I retain the memory of the vision, also, but this I retain in language, and that language I then transcribe on paper. Then I see through it again and then again. Some of the last sentences-some sentences, some passages, some words-I misplace. I lose my memory of them, and then they come back and twice or thrice I correct my own writing till I put it in the final shape. I still am not sure if I was able to take all that came to me because the seed and these passages and these lines come so rapidly and are handed over in such a manner that one is bewildered and sometimes it becomes even difficult to see or grasp or retain in memory all that has been said. I miss pages, lines, passages. When I am writing I totally forget them. And there is another thing. If, for instance, I receive a passage or a line, or a poem, or something, and then I fail to record it, I lose its memory after a day or two. ,I must record it down, because then other lines come, and the former ones-they are almost obliterated-and it becomes difficult for me to record them, because in that state, when I am in touch with this intelligence, the brain is so delicate, and there is such a fine communication between this consciousness and that consciousness that the normal procedures, the normal mechanisms of our memory and of our writing, and everything, they remain in abeyance for some time.

It is a communication between spirit and spirit, and the normal mechanisms are suspended for some time. Therefore, if I do not put down, or record what is revealed to me at a particular moment, then sometimes it escapes the memory. And in these visions and in these writings I have seen a consistency in the last twenty-five years which leads me to the conclusion that a Mighty Intelligence is trying to apprise me of what is actually to happen.

I can absolutely not doubt it for the reason that I do have other prophetic visions also-I mean concerned with my own life or with those of my friends, and they come true. For instance, sometimes-even in dreams-I see things which are confirmed that very day, or the second day, or say after a week. I sometimes note down this peculiar dream, and I find that it is confirmed. Then I already think that my consciousness has- after this awakening-attained the power of looking into the past or the future. But not at my own will.

From this I conclude that those who believe that they are prophets, or can prophesy, or can gain occult powers, are either deluding themselves or playing with fire. A great intelligence takes possession of our mind, and we are under its control-not that it is under our control. That can never be!

Our ego has always to remain as human ego, while this is a transhuman state of consciousness. This gives me the impression that what is revealed to me, what I have put The Riddle of Consciousness and The Shape of Events to Come, and in other books, will surely take place, because I see it coming from an Intelligence which is, to me, all-pervading and which to me appears to be super-human-in the right sense of what we know as omniscient and omnipresent-which knows the past, the present and the future. And from this also I conclude that this higher dimension of consciousness in man is designed to guide humanity to regions and to achievements in future and to the control of energies and forces which are totally beyond our reach or even beyond our thought at present.

Written by: Gopi Krishna

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